Author: brotherphilPage 11 of 13

Me and my boy

He’s a bit grumpy


Fire Fart Light a candle by lighting ass gas on fire

London Terrorist Attack

London Blasts: a Quick Redhillian update.I’m intact, having arrived a Liverpool Street just in time to get evacuated. Ive spoken to Rob Cester, who is ok, and he…

Petals Around the Rose

Petals around the Rose.I am now a Potentate of the Rose, and a member of the Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose. See

The Cogno Centre

The Cogno Centre.I’ve set up a forum for the exchange of ideas & info, research,’s at

Court Sentence

Court Sentence: 7th April 2005The legal case against Karen and I has finally been concluded. The Judge, having seen all the evidence, and various pleadings, came to the…

Court Update

Long time no update – ok, here’s the latest: After lots of consultations, reports, mentions, and hearings, the trial starts 28th February. Karen and I have both wound…

Court Update

What with all the toing and froing about evidence, and experts, and what have you, I’m still awaiting trial – current guess is some time in December. Cambridge…